
Hair loss

Hair is like a garden, it goes through a growth cycle, and when something goes awry we have hair loss. Thinning hair is extraordinarily widespread and about 45% of women past their 50’s have some degree of hair loss.
Throughout my long carrier in the beauty industry, I was confronted often with the issue of hair loss and worked very hard to find solutions to diminish the discomfort that thinning hair brought to many older women, and some younger ones…and men, too. Never for a moment did I consider that somewhere down the road I would be confronted with the reality of my own thinning hair.


So, here I am today together with those once ”Flower Children” friends and peers sporting interesting shorter hairstyles and using every trick in the Beautyculture book to make our hair look half as good as it used to be back then…What are we to do?!

Hair can thin out for a number of reasons, but the main 3 reasons are:

-Hormone imbalance/health condition
-Poor diet
Hormonal imbalance may be at play especially for some of us postmenopausal women, your doctor can recommend tests for this.
Eating habits are sometimes blamed too, it seems that many of us don’t stick to a healthy and well-balanced diet, adding 1000mcg of Biotin as a daily supplement seems to help promote hair growth and shine.
Medical conditions, such as thyroid dysfunctions, will often cause hair loss and, finally, I firmly believe that the side effects of many medications we take are mostly to blame for our thinning hair.


The only over-the-counter medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration for female hair loss is minoxidil (known as Rogaine or Theroxidil), a typical treatment will help slow or stop hair loss in about one in four or five women and can produce some regrowth of fine hair in some women.
While treatments may induce hair growth, it usually won’t change the cause of the condition and you will have to keep up with daily treatments or hair loss will reverse back.
The American Academy of Dermatology says that once your dermatologist has determined the cause of your hair loss, he or she can tell you what to expect.

There also comes a time when, as we age, we have to accept the reality that our hair will not be as beautiful as it was in our 20’s…and that is ok too because we can do a lot to improve its appearance by the use of the right shampoos and conditioners developed specifically for thinning hair, In fact, for the past five years I have been alternating in between two or three different brands of shampoos & conditioners formulated specifically for thinning hair, and I am quite satisfied with the results I get…still I pray every day for a cure for hair loss!

Are you confronted with hair loss? How are you dealing with it?..leave me a note.

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